
Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic focuses on your nervous system. This system controls everything in the body. When there is no interference with the nervous system, you will work at your highest level. Though most people come in for problems such as pain, we improve your nervous system so that your symptoms can clear up.

The benefits you can experience from chiropractic include more energy, improved balance, better sleep, increased concentration and reduced stiffness, amongst others. The sky is the limit when your body has a better overall function!

Our Holistic Philosophy

There are three phases of care in our clinic. The first is called relief care, which is when we focus on relieving your pain. The next is stabilisation, which includes strengthening weakened areas of your body. The goal is to get you to the final phase called vitalistic care. During this stage, you’ll come in for brief periodic checkups to ensure there is no interference in your nervous system.

Customised Techniques

When you become a new client, we will explain the process of the adjustment and how it will feel. In this manner, we can be sure that you have the right expectations. Your first visit is to discover what your body is telling us with a thorough examination. The next day, we’ll make a plan to achieve your goals, which will likely include chiropractic adjustments.

If you’ve never been adjusted before, we will start slowly and ease you into it. The many techniques we use include

  •  Diversified
  •  Sacro Occipital Technique®
  •  Thompson
  •  Activator®
  •  Gonstead
  •  Network Spinal

What is Network Spinal Chiropractic Care?

Network Chiropractic is an innovative  approach to health and wellbeing. Using the Spine as an access point, we communcicatw with the nervous system in order to release and reorganise underlyin tension that keeps the Spine misaligned. It's highly effective because it addresses the root of the problem --nerve tension -- which comes from a improperly functioning nervvous system.

Your nervous system is your body's control centre. It sends and receives messages constantly, from your brain along your spine and nerves to all parts of the body. It controls pain, every organ and joint in your body and how your body and how your experience, think and feel about your body. It is a major determining factor in overall well-being

Network practitioners  believe that nerve interference is the main source of health problems. This interence is caused by physical, mental- emotional or chemical streese that have remained unresolved in your body. Your nervous system holds onto this stress as spinal tension that results in spinal mis-alignemnts and distoritions and these prevent your body from functioning at its best.

Why does this happen?

Sometimes life just gets overwhelming. Too much is happening, at home, at work, at play and tension and stress can build up inside your body. When you body-mind holds onto trauma or as life stresses accumulate, your nervous system cannot cope.

It's at this point that people often develop symptoms such as back pain or fatigue. Old coping strategies no longer give you the relief they did. New Injuries or illnesses cause further overwhelm. Your symptoms start to have a major impact on your life... Something needs to change.

With Network Spinal Chiropractic gentle contacts are made to the spine, which result into unique healing waves that move through the spine and body. They are associated with spontaneous releases of spinal and life tensions and the use of existing stiffness as a fuel for spinal re-organisation and the enhancements of wellness.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Research carried out at the University of California did a study in which 2,818 people received Network chiropractic care, in which the study found that Network Care is associated with statistically significant improvements in peoples health. In fact it was reported that over 70% improved in all the following areas:

  • Physical Well-being
  • Emotional and Psychological Well-being
  • Life Enjoyment
  • Overall Quality of Life

It was also associated with consistent spontaneous reports of adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Physical Well-being

  • Improved flexibility of the spine
  • More energy, less fatigue
  • Fewer colds or flu
  • Fewer headaches
  • Reduced pain (spine and limbs)


  • Decreased moodiness, temper and anger outbursts
  • Less depression, more interest in life
  • Fewer concerns about small things
  • Improved ability to think and concentrate
  • Improved ability to stay on task
  • Less distress about physical pain 


  • Openness to guidance by inner feelings
  • Experience of relaxation and well-being
  • Positive feelings about self
  • Interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Feeling open when relating to others
  • Confidence in dealing with adversity
  • Compassion for others

Overall QUALITY OF LIFE improvement relative to:

  • Personal life
  • Oneself
  • Extent one adapts to change
  • Handling of problems in life
  • Actual life accomplishments
  • Life as a whole
  • Overall contentment with life
  • Significant other
  • Job
  • Life being what one wants it to be
  • Romantic life
  • Actual work done
  • Co-workers
  • Physical appearance

Less Stress Relative to:

  • Emotional well-being
  • Health
  • General well-being
  • Coping with daily problems
  • Family & significant relations
  • Work

A Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Rated Health, Wellness and Quality of Life
Robert H Blanks, Ph.D., Tonya L. Schuster, Ph.D., Marnie Dobson, MA Journal for Vertebral Subluxation Research Volume 1, Number 4 , 1997, p.15-31

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